Possession of this NFT grants full rights to the real property in the County of Santa-Clara (CA) described as:
LOT 13, as delineated upon that certain Map entitled 'Tract No. 6129", filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, on August 1st, 1977 in Book 401 of Maps, at Page 18 and 19. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the underground water or rights thereto with no rights of surface entry, as granted to San Jose Water Works, a California corporation, by instrument, recorded August 19th, 1977 in Book D087 of Official Records, Page 634.
The property has a provenance score of 2142. Detailed information about the property and its score can be found here.
Legal Title of the property is held in the holding entity Fabrica 7X48CZ3ZQDXG Trust linked to this NFT and recorded at the County of Santa-Clara (CA) (proof of title). By electronically signing a transaction to acquire the NFT, the buyer acknowledges and accepts all terms, duties and liabilities described in the Operating Agreement.
1180 Willowhaven Dr, San Jose, CA
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1180 Willowhaven Dr, San Jose, CA
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Possession of this NFT grants full rights to the real property in the County of Santa-Clara (CA) described as:
LOT 13, as delineated upon that certain Map entitled 'Tract No. 6129", filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, on August 1st, 1977 in Book 401 of Maps, at Page 18 and 19. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the underground water or rights thereto with no rights of surface entry, as granted to San Jose Water Works, a California corporation, by instrument, recorded August 19th, 1977 in Book D087 of Official Records, Page 634.
The property has a provenance score of 2142. Detailed information about the property and its score can be found here.
Legal Title of the property is held in the holding entity Fabrica 7X48CZ3ZQDXG Trust linked to this NFT and recorded at the County of Santa-Clara (CA) (proof of title). By electronically signing a transaction to acquire the NFT, the buyer acknowledges and accepts all terms, duties and liabilities described in the Operating Agreement.