Possession of this NFT grants full rights to the real property in the County of Sacramento (CA) described as:
Lot 147 as shown on the map entitled "Del Webb ” Laguna Ridge Village 5", Subdivision No. 03-479.05, filed in the office of the County Recorder of Sacramento County, California on March 30, 2007 in Book 366 of Maps, at Page 2. EXCEPTING THEREFROM all oil, gas and other hydrocarbon substances, inert gases, minerals, and metals, lying below a depth of 500 feet from the surface of said land and real property, whether now known to exist or hereafter discovered including, but not limited to the rights to explore for, develop, and remove such oil, gas and other hydrocarbon substances, inert gases, minerals, and metals without, however, any right to use the surface of such land and real property or any other portion thereof above a depth of 500 feet from the surface of such land and real property for any purpose whatsoever, as reserved in the deed recorded May 2, 2001 in Book 20010502, Page 1417 of Official Records.
The property has a provenance score of 2132. Detailed information about the property and its score can be found here.
Legal Title of the property is held in the holding entity Fabrica GSFQQ4T47GQN8 Trust linked to this NFT and recorded at the County of Sacramento (CA) (proof of title). By electronically signing a transaction to acquire the NFT, the buyer acknowledges and accepts all terms, duties and liabilities described in the Operating Agreement.
9971 Caldon Way, Elk Grove, CA
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9971 Caldon Way, Elk Grove, CA
- PriceUSD PriceQuantityExpirationFrom
- PriceUSD PriceQuantityFloor DifferenceExpirationFrom
Possession of this NFT grants full rights to the real property in the County of Sacramento (CA) described as:
Lot 147 as shown on the map entitled "Del Webb ” Laguna Ridge Village 5", Subdivision No. 03-479.05, filed in the office of the County Recorder of Sacramento County, California on March 30, 2007 in Book 366 of Maps, at Page 2. EXCEPTING THEREFROM all oil, gas and other hydrocarbon substances, inert gases, minerals, and metals, lying below a depth of 500 feet from the surface of said land and real property, whether now known to exist or hereafter discovered including, but not limited to the rights to explore for, develop, and remove such oil, gas and other hydrocarbon substances, inert gases, minerals, and metals without, however, any right to use the surface of such land and real property or any other portion thereof above a depth of 500 feet from the surface of such land and real property for any purpose whatsoever, as reserved in the deed recorded May 2, 2001 in Book 20010502, Page 1417 of Official Records.
The property has a provenance score of 2132. Detailed information about the property and its score can be found here.
Legal Title of the property is held in the holding entity Fabrica GSFQQ4T47GQN8 Trust linked to this NFT and recorded at the County of Sacramento (CA) (proof of title). By electronically signing a transaction to acquire the NFT, the buyer acknowledges and accepts all terms, duties and liabilities described in the Operating Agreement.