At OpenSea, we're excited about a brand new type of digital good called a non-fungible token, or NFT. NFTs have exciting new properties: they’re unique, provably scarce, tradeable, and usable across multiple applications. Just like physical goods, you can do whatever you want with them! You could throw them in the trash, gift them to a friend across the world, or go sell them on an open marketplace. But unlike physical goods, they're armed with all the programmability of digital goods.A core part of our vision is that open protocols like Ethereum and interoperable standards like ERC-721 and ERC-1155 will enable vibrant new economies. We're building tools that allow consumers to trade their items freely, creators to launch new digital works, and developers to build rich, integrated marketplaces for their digital items.
We're proud to be the first and largest marketplace for NFTs.
OpenSea とはOpenSea の自己紹介として、CEO の Devin Finzer 氏から、当社の概要、創業の経緯と今後の目標についてご説明いたします。 学習センターで OpenSea についてさらに知る
In 2017 the world witnessed the birth of CryptoKitties. For the first time, the
world experienced a decentralized application built on blockchains but targetted
towards a mainstream audience.
While CryptoKitties felt like a toy to many, it represented a dramatic shift in how we interact with items in the digital world. While previous digital items lived on company servers, blockchain-native items lived on shared, public blockchains owned by no single party. They could be viewed anywhere, exchanged openly, and truly owned in a way that was never before possible in the digital world.
Fascinated by the movement that was forming, Devin Finzer and Alex Atallah joined early adopter communities in Discord and started talking to users. With the OpenSea beta launch in December 2017, the first open marketplace for any non-fungible token on the Ethereum blockchain was born.
Today, OpenSeaは、ユーザーが所有するデジタルアイテム向けの最大総合マーケットプレイスに成長しており、 supporting multiple blockchains, with the broadest set of categories and the best prices for new emerging digital item classes.
As a company, we’re thrilled to be at the center of this growing industry, and will continue to invest in our core infrastructure as we build the most accessible marketplace for buyers, sellers, and creators.
While CryptoKitties felt like a toy to many, it represented a dramatic shift in how we interact with items in the digital world. While previous digital items lived on company servers, blockchain-native items lived on shared, public blockchains owned by no single party. They could be viewed anywhere, exchanged openly, and truly owned in a way that was never before possible in the digital world.
Fascinated by the movement that was forming, Devin Finzer and Alex Atallah joined early adopter communities in Discord and started talking to users. With the OpenSea beta launch in December 2017, the first open marketplace for any non-fungible token on the Ethereum blockchain was born.
Today, OpenSeaは、ユーザーが所有するデジタルアイテム向けの最大総合マーケットプレイスに成長しており、 supporting multiple blockchains, with the broadest set of categories and the best prices for new emerging digital item classes.
As a company, we’re thrilled to be at the center of this growing industry, and will continue to invest in our core infrastructure as we build the most accessible marketplace for buyers, sellers, and creators.
Mark Cuban起業家、投資家
Tim Ferriss起業家、作家
Dylan FieldFigma 社 CEO兼共同創業者
Ben SilbermanPinterest 社 CEO兼共同創業者
Alexis OhanianReddit 社共同創業者
Balaji Srinivisan起業家、Coinbase 社元 CTO
Belinda Johnson弁護士、Airbnb 社元COO
Naval RavikantAngelList 社共同創業者兼元CEO
Justin KanJustin.tv / Twitch 社共同創業者
Avichal GargElectric Capital 社パートナー
Linda XieScalar Capital 社共同創業者
Kevin Durantプロバスケットボール選手
Ashton Kutcher俳優、プロデューサー、起業家
Tobie LütkeShopify 社創業者兼CEO
当社についてニュースでご覧になったかもしれませんご覧になっていない方に、OpenSea に関するストーリーをいくつかご紹介します広報関係のお問い合わせはpress@opensea.ioまでお願いいたします。セキュリティレポート
OpenSea は、最も信頼できる安全な NFT 市場となるよう努めており、現在の脆弱性を発見し、排除することを最優先事項としています。
OpenSea は、脆弱性ハンティングコミュニティとの提携を非常に重視しており、コミュニティからのすべての報告がセキュリティ専門家によって審査され、適切に対処されるようにしています。
こちらから脆弱性を提出してください。OpenSea のチームに加わりませんか?さっそく募集中の職種をチェック
こちらから脆弱性を提出してください。OpenSea のチームに加わりませんか?さっそく募集中の職種をチェック